Digital Book World 2013

HiltonI was extremely lucky and got to attend Digital Book World last week. It focused on where publishing was headed as leading executives discussed market conditions and the Penguin-Random House consolidation, the decline of the physical bookstore like Borders, and the continuing power of technology as it continues to transform how publishers do business.

One thing that continues to shift is social media. Many of us have used Google to discover our next read, but what about these other online sites and social media platforms? Here’s the list that has the highest book buyer reach/influence (from highest reach to lowest):

1.    Google
2.    Amazon
3.    Facebook
4.    YouTube
5.    Pinterest
6.    Twitter
7.    Goodreads
8.    Author sites

There was some great information shared. To find out more, here are some solid articles with related information or resources:

Publishers Focus on a Complex Future at Digital Book World 2013 (Publishers Weekly)

3 Key Ideas from Digital Book World 2013 (Publishing Perspectives)

The Book Consumer in 2012 (Bowker)

Digital Book World Resources (Digital Book World)